This is the forty-third episode of Skepticule — aka the Paul+Paul+Paul Podcast
Paul Thompson ("Sinbad")
The Skeptical Probe
Paul Orton, militant agnostic
Missing God Gene
Paul S. Jenkins
Notes from an Evil Burnee
- National Secular Society on the Pope's resignation and legacy
- Keith O'Brien's resignation
- Pope Celestine 5th resigned in 1294
- Pope Benedict 9th — Guardian article: "Can the Pope resign?"
- Hayley Stevens — Joe Nickell
- Skeptical Inquirer — Committee for Skeptical Inquiry
- QEDcon
- Loch Ness Monster
- Ogopogo
- Hayley's blogposts about the "jaunt"
- Be Reasonable podcast — Merseyside Skeptics Society — Michael Marshall
- Flat Earth Society — podcast
- Winchester Skeptics
- Martin S. Taylor — Hypnotism without Hypnosis
- Derren Brown
- Sean Ellis — photo
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Frogs into Princes — Bandler & Grinder
- Compuserve
- Compulink Information eXchange
- NLP on Wikipedia
- Michael Heap at Healing Powers of the Mind?
- Rapid Induction Hypnosis
- Mesmerising a chicken
- Sinbad's $250,000 challenge to Eric Hovind
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Skepticule is a production of Willowsoft Communications

Skepticule is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
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