This is the thirty-third episode of Skepticule Extra — aka the Podcast of the Three Pauls.
Paul Baird
Godless in MK — Patient and Persistent
Paul Thompson ("Sinbad")
The Skeptical Probe
Paul S. Jenkins
Notes from an Evil Burnee
- "Has Science Buried God?" — YouTube
- John Lennox
- Richard Dawkins
- "The Art of Quote Mining" — YouTube
- The Charlie Rose Show
- BBC1 Sunday Morning Live
- Rosh Hashana: Science vs Religion
- A. C. Grayling
- Francesca Stavrakopoulou
- Alom Shaha — The Young Atheist's Handbook
- The God Delusion — Richard Dawkins
- The Greatest Show on Earth — Richard Dawkins
- The Portable Atheist — ed. Christopher Hitchens
- Jeremy Hunt
- Paul Braterman
- Theresa Villiers — BBC News Northern Ireland
- The Thick of It
- Cabinet reshuffle
- "A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma"
- Yes, Prime Minister
- Anna Soubry on assisted dying
- Tony Nicklinson
- Michael Gove
- John Steinbeck
- Healing on the Streets — High Wycombe
- Cancer Act 1939
- Advertising Standards Authority
- Mark Marx
- Leg-lengthening — YouTube
- James Randi — The Truth About Uri Geller
- Irfan Patel — torture teacher
- Channel 4 Dispatches: Lessons in Hate and Violence
- To Train Up a Child — Michael & Debi Pearl
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Skepticule Extra is a production of Willowsoft Communications

Skepticule Extra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
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